

Digital Signature Project

Printing, duplicating originals, initialing, and signing documents are often accompanied by additional costs, the consumption of valuable time, and the creation of legally binding documents.

When it comes to digital signatures, this is one aspect of business digitization, with the primary goal of reducing costs, accelerating document flow, and ultimately creating legally binding documents.

The implementation of digital signatures within the INA Group began in 2019 with the successful establishment of a platform for the first users in INA d.d., covering the processes of commercial and procurement. Today, almost all members of the INA Group exchange digitally signed documentation, both internally and with external partners. When comparing document processing in a traditional versus digital manner, significant time and cost savings are evident, and the project has achieved all of its intended goals.

Signature Platform in Numbers:

  • 10 members of the INA Group are fully covered by the digital signature solution.
  • 200+ external partners (customers and suppliers) who have exchanged documentation with INA Group members and become active users of the platform.
  • 340 gas stations that digitally process and sign time records through the platform.
  • 800+ internal users within the INA Group with constant growth.
  • 1000+ documents digitally initialed or signed through the system.